
Common Myths About Podiatrists | Orthopedic doctors” are better.

Podiatry as a medical specialty has been very advanced over many fifty years. In any case, in some areas, recognition and understanding of that advance has not been followed by the general public. And even the medical community. Now a business that only treats toenails, corns, and calluses, podiatry. Has become a branch of medicine with the most expertise in foot and ankle medicine and surgery. This article will discuss general myths about podiatry, and the nature of this feature in 2010.

Myth # 1: Podiatrists only go to school for two years

After graduating from a four-year undergraduate university. podiatrist in Hixson go to school only as a medical doctor (MD), or doctor of osteopathy (DO). In fact, the first two years of podiatry school academic study are very similar to those degrees. The difference begins in the third year, where podiatry students begin to develop experience in foot and ankle medicine.

While podiatry students serve in many of the same hospital departments learning general medicine during the third and fourth years. As MD and DO students, most of the time they have already decided on specialization. As opposed to MD and DO students who have a specialty. Are undecided. After graduation, the new podiatrist becomes a hospital-based resident physician for two to three years. Learning advanced medical and surgical techniques, and generally working with MD and DO interns and those institutions with the same responsibilities as residents. Only after that podiatrists enter the practice.

Myth # 2: Podiatrist primarily treats nails and calluses

There was a time in the first half of the last century when podiatrists (then known as chiropodists) treated nails, calluses, and foot pains with rigor. That time is long gone. For the past forty years, podiatrists have treated every condition that could potentially affect the foot and ankle, blonde and hammer, serious infections and fractures, and even severe birth defects. Podiatrists have a role in treating skin disorders, bone disorders, nerve disorders, injuries, and even circulatory disorders. And yes, they still treat fingernail nail disease and corns and calluses.

Myth # 3: Podiatrists do not perform surgery

The specialty of podiatry is usually a surgical one, as most treatments performed by a podiatrist inside or outside the office involve a few hands-on procedures. While some of these do not involve surgery in the sense of an operating room and general anesthesia (e.g. in-office treatment of ingrown toenails), many podiatrists include conventional surgery. Almost all podiatrists perform hospital or surgical center based surgery.

They are board certified in foot surgery, and American podiatrists are globally recognized as specialists in foot and ankle surgery. Podiatrists employ traditional orthopedic surgical techniques, and also pioneering procedures unique to advance modern foot and ankle surgery knowledge. Podiatrists perform routine corrective surgery, but also serve on trauma teams and save lives with invasive surgical interventions in diabetic foot infections. Some specialize in pediatric surgery, while others focus on sports medicine.

Myth # 4: Podiatrists use expensive shoes to treat everything.

Another expert who is part of the unique benefits of a podiatrist in the cross treatment of a foot problem is the podiatrist’s education and understanding of the field of biomechanics. The foot has a unique structural, physical, and engineering relationship with the ground as it relates to body movement. Biomechanics involves the study of that relationship.

One of the greatest advances in this field over the last fifty years has been the development of orthotics.

Myth # 5: “Orthopedic doctors” are better trained to treat foot injuries than podiatrists.

Orthopedic surgeons share most of the same conditions with podiatrists treatments for the feet and ankles. There are orthopedic surgeons who specialize in foot and ankle, with more fellowship training and experience. In contrast, many podiatrists practice a mix of non-surgical medical therapy and surgical interventions, and have established themselves as first-line specialists for the position of their feet and ankles in the breadth of their extensive training and treatment capabilities.

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