
Hassan Qureshi

Hassan Qureshi is a Professional Blogger, Writer, SEO Expert & Founder of Classical Magazine. With over 5 years of experience, he handles clients globally & also educates others with different digital marketing tactics.
NEET 2021 – 8 Essential Exam Strategies

NEET 2021 – 8 Essential Exam Strategies

Preparation, studying are vital to achieving success in NEET. However, the tough bit is in knowing how best to manage the preparation period till we get some experience. Hence, we have come up with the topmost essential strategies to be aware of to better perform at NEET 2021. 1. Routine If there is anything you…

Tips to be the best political science student in class

Tips to be the best political science student in class

Political science is one of those subjects that has been in existence for more than hundreds of years. But, till date, students have not been able to understand the subject very well. If you are a Political science student, you might be looking for Political Science homework help. But, you should know that Political science…

Why should we learn manual driving lessons?

Why should we learn manual driving lessons?

“You are the driver of your life, don’t let anyone steal the seat.” To know how to drive has a big importance. Manual driving lessons make you future-ready drivers. You can’t just look for someone every time to drive you through. If you know how to drive you can visit places, explore new places and…

Do boxes help in organizing the cards?

Do boxes help in organizing the cards?

Organizing things is never an easy task. Most of the time it gets too messy. If you have your business then you must deal with cards. You must struggle with organizing them. Here is the ultimate solution to keep them maintained and stored, buy the business card boxes and organize them properly. As these boxes…

Investing $100 a Month in Stocks for 20 Years

Investing $100 a Month in Stocks for 20 Years

From a 20-year investment perspective, you are considered a long-term investor. Keep your money in the stock market, directly or through mutual funds consisting of stocks; The value of your investment can fluctuate. But in the long run, your average return may offer far more secure options. Your stock or investment fund can grow 11%…

Is Personalized Packaging Worthy For Small Businesses?

Is Personalized Packaging Worthy For Small Businesses?

The use of personalized packaging is gaining popularity in the retail industry. This trend has been seen to provide a personal touch for customers and, in turn, create a sense of exclusivity. However, with this trend also comes challenges such as high prices and difficulty in customization. To make your business known in the saturated…

Things to Know about Grenada Citizenship By Investment

Things to Know about Grenada Citizenship By Investment

Grenada citizenship-by-investment permits individuals and their relatives to become residents as a trade-off for partaking in the nation’s flourishing. Grenada citizenship by investment program permits qualified financial backers to get a second passport and, therefore, call this dazzling island country home. Grenada is an optimal nation to visit assuming you need to venture out without…



What are the different soap packaging material options? Have you finished making your soap item? That form is excellent, and the scent is incredible! Currently, the most popular option is available. But, what are your plans for packaging it? This is when the requirement for the finest wholesale soap boxes packaging material comes into play….

7 Benefits of  Customized Bakery Boxes for Business

7 Benefits of Customized Bakery Boxes for Business

Businesses like the bakery are usually very concerned about the safety and security of the product until it reaches the consumers. For this purpose, they use a particular type of packaging box, also called a bakery box. These boxes are made of craft material which is very useful in caring for sweets. All cake designers…

10 Myths That Surround Software as a Service (SaaS)

10 Myths That Surround Software as a Service (SaaS)

Despite the increasing demands for Software as a service (SaaS), most Indian IT professionals do not know what it is. This is why I decided to have a look at the 10 most commonly held misconceptions about SAAS. Myth 1: Security  This is the consensus of the majority of CIOs on SaaS. Your typical SaaS…

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