
Some Important Facts About Medicine Used For Medical Abortion

One dictionary defines abortifacients as “drugs taken orally to induce abortion, especially in early pregnancy.” Nowadays, the expression “abortifacient” is usually applay to the drug mifepristone, an abortifacient consisting of misoprostol and mifepristone, two drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This particular abortifacient works during the first eight weeks of pregnancy and produces a chemical abortion.

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The drug mifepristone develop in France and is also known as RU-486. Now, this drug works by checking progesterone, the hormone that assists in maintaining pregnancy. In the absence of this hormone, the lining of the uterus will shed and, depending on the woman concerned, there may be some bleeding.

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Mifepristone is an oral medication that is administer at abortion clinics. After taking this medication, the clinic will offer a second medication called misoprostol. Misoprostol should be take orally within 27 hours of taking the mifepristone medication. The misoprostol medication brings about contractions of the uterus and therefore causes miscarriage.

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Most women favor this type of abortion because it allows them to do it in the privacy of their own homes when it occurs. In addition, because there is little a woman can do in this situation but wait for the abortion to occur, some women see this as a good thing.

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When a woman is give the initial drug mifepristone, there may be some amount of bleeding. The degree of bleeding may vary from person to person. A significant number of women do not experience any bleeding at all after taking the first drug, while others may experience heavy menstrual-like bleeding.

second abortifacient

The second abortifacient, misoprostol, tends to cause cramping and bleeding. Sometimes this can happen within 20 minutes of taking the drug. In any case, women experience cramps, sometimes in waves and sometimes extremely violent, for six to eight hours after taking misoprostol. Some women experience side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. Generally, the clot is expelle, but it is just not possible to see the embryo because it is very small.

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It is vital that you visit the abortion clinic for a follow-up visit about two weeks after taking the abortion medication. This exam calls for an examination to confirm that an abortion has occurred. Although the success rate of the abortion pill is about 95-97%, there is still a small percentage of women who need to undergo further surgical abortions to end the abortion. Now, this surgical procedure involves dilating the uterus and then using suction to remove the remaining tissue.

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medical procedure

As with any medical procedure, the use of abortifacients involves some risks. Sometimes, a woman needs a blood transfusion to compensate for the loss of blood due to severe bleeding, but this is fairly rare.

medication abortion

A medication abortion is the termination of a pregnancy with the help of medication approve by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Medication abortion is the preferred method of abortion during the first few weeks of pregnancy, which is about 8 weeks after your last menstrual period. The medications used for medical abortion are very different from the “morning after” emergency contraceptive pill, so be sure to consult your gynecologist or a good clinic who can give you good instructions on how to take these medications.

What are the medications use for medical abortions?

There are two commonly use medications for medical abortions, namely mifepristone and misoprostol. Together, these medications can be very effective in providing a proper medical termination of pregnancy.

How do mifepristone and misoprostol work?


Mifepristone is the first medication you must take by mouth when you go to an abortion clinic for a medical abortion. Mifepristone helps block the hormone progesterone, which helps maintain pregnancy. As the hormone is blocke, the embedded uterine wall begins to shed, which causes bleeding. The second drug, misoprostol, is then take 24-72 hours later, which helps with contractions until the pregnancy is expelle within 8 hours.


What should I expect after taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol?

After have an ultrasoun to confirm your pregnancy and knowing the exact number of weeks you are pregnant, if you decide to have an abortion, you will be given options about which termination you prefer. If your pregnancy is 8 weeks or less, then a medical termination of pregnancy is best.

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At the abortion clinic, your gynecologist will explain how taking these medications will help you terminate your pregnancy. Your doctor will ask you to take mifepristone at the clinic, and you may start bleeding. You will be ask to take a second misoprostol tablet within 24-72 hours of taking the mifepristone, which will make you feel uncomfortable because you may also experience cramping, clotting and bleeding. The cramping and bleeding patterns vary from person to person and the expulsion of large blood clots is also a sign that the embryo has passed.

follow up with the clinic in two weeks

You will be ask to follow up with the clinic in two weeks to ensure that the medication has effectively terminated your pregnancy. While most women have no problems with medication abortion, a smaller percentage of women may require an aspiration abortion to completely clear the process of medication abortion.

What are the side effects after using Mifepristone and Misoprostol?

Mifepristone generally has no side effects, but with misoprostol you may experience heavy bleeding, nausea, vomiting, severe cramping, and severe headaches. There are no long-term risks associate with the use of either mifepristone or misoprostol, and women do not face future fertility problems.

Other medications used for medical abortions

In addition to the general medications use for abortion, there are other medications commonly use for medical abortion, but it is best to get more information from your doctor before using these medications. Oxytocin, carboprost, and dinoprost are some of the medications use in combination with mifepristone and misoprostol.

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