
Website Design Layout For a Great User Experience in 2022

Website design layout has a direct impact on conversion rates. The first few seconds a visitor enters the site are critical. If the site fails to make a good impression, the customer will leave. So, brands should focus on the web design layout. All the elements should be arranged neatly, and the information presented should be easy to understand. If the web design layout is good, it improves the user experience and rankings.

What is a Web Design Layout?

Web Design Layout is the arrangement and organization of different elements to attract readers. The best website designing company in India aims to present the information coherently to have the maximum impact on readers. Designing a web layout involves following best practices and color psychology to improve user experience. 

Benefits of a Good Web Layout

A good web layout benefits the brand in multiple ways. Here are some benefits:

  • More User Interaction: Brands having a good web layout will encourage user interactions. Customers have to engage with the website before they make a purchase. The elements of the site should attract visitors and persuade them to choose the products. To encourage more user interaction, brands can optimize their site with the help of a website design company in Delhi.
  • Increase in SEO rankings: Sites will good web layout will attract both people and the search engine. It will improve customer experience, and Google will promote the site on the SERP. As a result, the page will show up higher on searches and will be visible to more people. So, brands can hire a website design company in Delhi to optimize their site for user experience and rankings.
  • Builds Trust: A good web layout wins trust and improves user experience. People will see sites that look neat and clean as more credible. So, they won’t hesitate to choose the solutions from the same brand.
  • Increase in Conversions: Sites with a good web layout score high in UX, rankings, readability, and accessibility. Since the site performs well in various metrics, it will generate more revenue. It will be a powerful sales machine that brings a steady inflow of revenue for a long time.


Characteristics of a Good Web Layout 

It is necessary to know what makes a good web layout. When brands understand it, they can design the layout for a better user experience. A good web layout has these qualities:

  • Goal-oriented: A fundamental principle in website designing is that the layout should be clear enough so that visitors understand what the site expects them to do. The CTAs and other elements guide them towards the desired goal.
  • Readability: Visitors should find the site readable and be able to comprehend the message without spending much time. The site should accommodate busy people who skim and scan.
  • Time-worthy: People spend their valuable time on the site. So the layout should be designed to provide value for the time spent.
  • Easy Navigation: The most important elements of the site should be prominent. In website designing, it is fundamental that users must find it easy to locate the information they need.
  • Personal: The layout should touch human feelings and persuade customers through powerful emotions. When there is no emotional touch, the site is less likely to generate sales.
  • Credible: The site should look professional and credible. The various elements of the site should accentuate the professionalism and expertise of the brand.


Best Practices for a good web design layout 

Clean and Simple Layout

If the website should achieve its purpose, the layout should be clean and simple. If there is little or no visual clutter, it will draw attention to the content. Visitors won’t get distracted, and their eyes will gravitate toward the content. A clean layout works for almost every site, as the site is less likely to have performance issues. The layout should also be simple so that readers understand the website very quickly. Having only the necessary elements improves the efficiency of the site.

Navigation Tabs 

Navigation tabs play a crucial part in user experience. They help confused readers find the place that hosts the information they neConclusion ed. Each item in the menu should be visually separated from other items. There should be a break between different items so that users easily identify their products. The menus should be small with only a few items. If designers pack more things into the menu, it looks cluttered and drives away visitors.

Big Fonts 

Big fonts are preferable in layouts as they improve readability. The large fonts capture readers’ attention as they skim through the text. Also, when there are only a few elements on the site, large fonts boost the ability of readers to comprehend the message in the content.

Content Categorization 

Many visitors come to consume the content on a website. They are looking for specific information, so brands should arrange the content so that readers digest it quickly. The bounce rates will reduce if the reader can locate his information in the first few seconds. Using visual hierarchy and topic clusters help in organizing the content. Brands should create a pillar page and use it to guide readers to the information they are looking for. 



People today have short attention spans, so brands are under tremendous pressure to attract their attention. The most important information should be presented first to save time. Using images and videos to complement the text also improves the user experience. 

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