
The significance of localization glossary for an ultimate localization

Localization Glossary

The localization glossary is an important topic to scan through before starting the localization process. It is imperative to understand the terms and phrases to carry out a smooth process without any ambiguities or hiccups. An understanding and comprehension are important before starting the venture. It is significant to have a clear understanding of the terms, what they stand for, and the theories related to them. It is always better to prepare well about the process and terms before dealing with the language service providers.

Benefits of knowing the Right Localization Terms

Having clear and profound knowledge will help you evaluate the localization firm in a better way. You can have a good conversation with them, asking about their offerings and putting your conditions if any. The proper and sufficient knowledge will help you as a customer to scan the basic drawbacks and flaws in their work pattern. The awareness with the right terminology will also help to identify if the localization partner gets fits your localization needs properly. 

Understanding the localization glossary and implementation of the terms when required will also help you to have sufficient knowledge to scan and quickly check whether the language service provider you are interacting with is real or a scam. Since there are scams and fraudulent companies everywhere in every field.

A customer who knows nothing about the work he wants to outsource will only land him in trouble, and service providers can befool him easily. The awareness of the right terms would also help to convey your reservation, and finding a suitable localization partner can help establish a long-term business relationship. 

Here are a few terms in which the customer should be well versed to deal the things better.


The translation is the conversion of words extracted from the source language to a target language. The process is usually carried out by expert translators and linguists. The translators have to be proficient in the source and the target languages. 

 Machine Translation (MT)

Machine translation is an automated process of translation in which a machine performs with the help of tools such as google translator and others. The translators use this type of translation for the initial stages of translation. There are further classes of machine translations that are available in the market. 

These are

  • Statistical (SMT)
  • Neural (NMT)
  • Rules-Based (RBMT)
  • Adaptive 

Localization (l10n)

Localization is a process of adaptation of foreign language, cultural relevance, and business norms. These are integrated with the technology to produce good quality translations as per digital requirements. The process deals with a particular audience. The company locks a foreign location where the company intends to extend its operations. Localization is much more than a mere translation and targets a particular foreign market to flourish and excel in the business. 


Transcreation is rewriting and translating a document as a whole and not a word-to-word translation. It is an outdated term which vendors use unnecessarily to allure the clients and convince them to buy higher-value services. Transcreation is a high-quality translation. A good and proficient linguist always shines in the transcreation. 

Internationalization (i18n)

The adjustments of a product to launch it internationally according to the international market in a multi-language format is internationalization. It is a sensitive step and part of the localization. This should be catered far ahead of the translation work for a smooth function. Internalization also deals with the assessment of the proper text expansion, interfaces details, and UI/UX in other languages.


API is an abbreviation of Application Program Interface. It deals with the interaction of software components.


Computer-assisted translations are CAT in short. This is a computer tool which helps in translation. CAT ensures the good quality and speed of the translation tasks. The tools of CAT also help in offering features that deal with the translation memory and identifying the repetition in the texts. The CAT users include project managers, translators, and technical staff.

Concordance Search

This search is about finding the particular phrases, terms, and sequences of words that are integrate with the translation memory database.

Fuzzy Matching

Fuzzy matching is another term of the localization glossary. CAT tools use this technique to scan for the words, phrases, and sequence of words in the Translation Database Memory which have similar meanings and spellings. Though, the experts do not consider this technique 100% accurate.


GUI is short term for Graphical User Interface. The visualization makes it convenient for use. Knowing GUI is sufficient and it is not mandatory to understand the command languages. 


It is of vital importance to go through the required localization glossary to have the best localization solution. The benefits of the awareness of the localization glossary are highlighted briefly. Besides the important terms of localization are also there to go through before venturing into the process. 

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