
Why Do Developers Use Both Django & React Native? | Navicosoft

Both Django & React Native – Both Django & React Native, if paired together, are capable of doing the best, especially for the developers. Most of their ability involves quickly generating cross-platform apps with the ease of hiring every framework. Moreover, it involves a huge amount of influential support. You can use React Native as a Front end tool and Django as a backend tool.

React Native as a Frontend Tool

React Native involves a JavaScript library, which plays a vital role in developing mobile apps for iOS and Android. React Native comprises several advantages for native development using React since it is best in the JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Moreover, you can use React Native for building both Android and iOS projects. Therefore, even for beginners who already have an idea about React, it will be easier for them to learn React Native.

The framework helps in creating a smooth development experience with the best-performing applications for users. You can use React Native to decrease your cost and time of development by 70%. The best part is that it does not even compromise on the quality.

Moreover, by using React Native framework, you can reuse the existing code by making it a single update for both platforms. The framework is rather modular and instinctive. Therefore, spotting bugs in codebases is easier.

Benefits of React Native

  1. Time

React Native app development allows all the developers to write a code once and then use it everywhere. Therefore you can run that code easily using various platforms such as iOS and Android. Such a framework uses Facebook’s UI library to make a straightforward and easy code for the application and execution of ReactJS.

  1. Support for custom components

React Native comprises JSX, which is an optional syntax extension making it possible for writing your components. Such components use HTML quoting for making all subcomponent interpretations for a pleasant experience for developers.

  1. Strong community

React Native was initially created specifically for internal use but later was shared with the whole world. Developers can ask their queries using Stack Overflow, official React discussion forums, social media platforms, Reactiflux Chart, Freenode IRC, and many others.

Django as a Backend Tool

Django is one of the high-level frameworks which inspires rapid development as well as clean, logical design. Moreover, Django assists in much of a hassle with web development so that you can focus on writing your application. The most beneficial part is that it is free and open source.

When taking into consideration backend web development, it is very easy to select an appropriate Django web development company offering Django development services at a reasonable cost. However, Python’s reputation is one major reason why web developers and entrepreneurs pick Django for their web development.

In addition to this, it also has an extremely scalable framework that helps the developers construct small projects and later on the move to mounting complex apps capable enough to handle heavy traffic and large volumes.

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Benefits of Django

  1. Authentication

Django emphasizes user authentication, RSS feeds, content administration, site maps, and various other tasks that are out of the box.

  1. Scalability

Whenever developers think about picking a framework, they plan for their future. Choosing a scalable framework is very indispensable for most, and Django is one of them. It lets you take several different actions when it comes to scalability. It involves operating distinct servers for the database, media, and application. It even makes use of clustering as well as load-balancing in order to distribute an application across several servers.

Some of the top-rated websites in the world use Django to quickly and flexibly scale up in order to meet their high traffic demands:

  • Netflix
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Dropbox
  • Spotify
  1. Built-in Admin

The Django team has always been considerate for creating such a framework since they keep user and client satisfaction in their minds. No doubt, Django provides an administrative interface that is both professional and versatile.

Advantages of Using both Django & React Native

The above information clearly shows that both Django & React Native are easily readable and comprehensible. Here are a few other considerations that make both Django & React Native a solid combination for most companies:

  1. Well-supported by a most community of users:

It consists of many Slack channels, mailing lists, and other online resources such as meetups and free workshops. It is best to start with Django since it has such a huge support and community.

  1. Largest Collection of Open Source Libraries:

If we relate it with other frontend frameworks, React Native comes with a huge collection of high-quality and available open-source libraries.

  1. Fast Deploying:

If you want to deploy fast and consider finding a solution, you definitely need to choose Django. It involves good documentation along with a supportive community which can be a great asset for you.

  1. Django is suitable for any project, mobile or web:

You can easily tackle projects of any capacity or size, whether simple, such as a website or a high-load application. It can work best with most databases since it allows the use of a database that is more apt for a particular project or even several databases simultaneously. Essentially, it is best with an ORM (object-relational mapper), which offers a pathway between the developer as well as the database. Hence, it is convenient to move or even migrate apps to other databases with minimal code changes.

Looking for Best Django Hosting?

Navicosoft provides you with cheap Best Django hosting along with its pre-installed framework of Django. Moreover, it is fully optimized in order to perform the best. In addition to this, we offer you a complete range of apps suitable for all Django python developers, including performance monitoring and module installation. 

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