
How to Increase Likes on Facebook Page for Business

Learning how to increase likes on Facebook is really the first step in Internet marketing. In fact, it is even considered as a necessity for your business to get popular fast. This popularity is not only achieved through traffic or by reaching out to a large number of consumers but also by engaging in different activities such as publishing status updates, sending private messages to people or fans and many other more. Social networking is all about connecting with others and increasing the number of people who are interested in what you have to say and share. And to achieve this, you have to engage in these different activities so that your fans would see your updates or messages and would want to become your fans.

Effectively Engage with Audience

You can effectively engage on Facebook by creating your profile page where you can include different elements such as your pictures, your videos, your write-ups, your website address, etc. Your fans will then be able to read your updates on a regular basis. It would be best if you can create a “Like” box on your profile page to attract people to become your fans. The “Like” box has a lot of benefits. You can easily let your fans know about your latest updates, activities and new products/services by including it on your page. Another thing to note is that when you have an active account, it would be visible to all those who visit your page.

Create Video Ads

One of the most effective ways on how to gain Facebook likes is to create live videos where you are talking about your products or even discussing some issues that your fans are facing in their lives. You may also upload some of your own webinars where you discuss different topics. It is a good idea to invite your followers to join your Facebook page so that they may also be informed of your activities and updates through different mediums. Inviting your friends and other influential individuals on your list can help you engage and build your influencer network.

Follow What the Experts Say

Internet marketing Guru Tim Beachum has shared a great tip on how to get followers for Facebook by using live videos. He said that you can generate lots of likes and shares through this strategy. He also said that it is best to upload these live videos during the week because you can better relate with your audience. This will allow you to share some important content and build relationships with your followers or influencers.

Collab with Influencers

To encourage your fans and influencers, you can use giveaways and bonuses. For instance, if you are planning to host an event in the near future, you can offer a free ticket or limited edition product as an incentive for your attendees. You can also invite your followers to join a fan page where they can avail of freebies or limited editions. Doing so can give them a reason to like your page. Asking your fans to like your page gives you another way to connect with them and build a strong relationship. Engaging your community is one of the most important things to do to increase popularity and engagement on Facebook.

Schedule Your Content

Another great strategy is to have a content schedule. This allows you to schedule posts so you can effectively engage with your audience. When you schedule posts, make sure that there are plenty of interesting things to talk about or share on your wall. You can also have a variety of entertaining videos or other content on your Facebook page so you won’t bore your audience.

Share Unique Products on Your Page

You can also create one of the hottest products on Facebook and give away the item for a contest. Post the details on your fan page and invite your followers to like the item. If your giveaway is successful, you will be able to attract a huge audience and potential leads to your website. The key to creating one of the best giveaways is to create one that can provide something useful to your followers or influencers. You should also be careful not to create one of the old favorites like the like box, which is very ineffective and never received good comments.


In order to increase likes, you can also use adverts. However, you need to have a quality ad and work within your budget to achieve better results. Before posting an advert, you should carefully research your target audience and ensure that you reach them at their level. Adverts are an effective way to advertise your products or services. This is also a cheaper way to advertise than television adverts or print advertising.

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