
Travel Nurses: Here are 7 Ways to Boost Patient Comfort


Nurses have become the right hands of doctors. Plus, the field has expanded, and some professionals can execute physician duties, such as consultations. 

The nursing field has several levels, and each has varying responsibilities and educational requirements. 

Nonetheless, every nurse can participate in making patients more comfortable. 

Healthcare professionals carry a lot of responsibility on their shoulders, especially those assisting physicians and surgeons. Sometimes it might feel like a thankless job, even for those who travel. 

That’s why boosting patient comfort starts with nurses caring for themselves. For example, it’s essential to find the best travel nurse housing. If you have trouble, Hotel Engine can help.

Then, attendants benefit from taking a breather from their duties in nature on off days. After all, patients expect nurses to cheerfully enter rooms and help them obtain the best care, even if they travel for assignments. 

For travel nurses, here are seven ways to boost patient comfort.

1. Ask the Patient How They’re Feeling

The best way to find out if anything bothers patients is to ask them how they feel. Patients in hospitals probably don’t feel very well, even those who have recovered almost fully.

As the new kid on the block, it’s easier to endear yourself to patients. In becoming familiar with their charts, check in on their symptoms and recovery.  

2. Respect Patients

Some patients will dive into long-winded answers when medical patients show sympathy. Afford them respect, and listen. They might reveal information that medical professionals need to continue treatment. 

In order cases, the information can stop further treatment that might cause them harm. 

Therefore, boost patient comfort by allowing them to speak. 

3. Practice Empathy

Some medical professionals have low tolerances for individuals who ramble about their symptoms and feelings. Online medical sites have worsened the situation since the public can try to diagnose themselves.

Thus, when they visit their doctors, they might have ideas about what ails them.

Nonetheless, practice empathy.

Ideally, nurses will not experience the same illnesses as their patients since the medical field needs them to remain healthy enough to serve.

Empathy simply requires professionals to understand their patients. Give them a chance to vent. Then, retake the conversation by outlining the next steps according to your medical education and experience.

Visiting the doctor is as scary as visiting the dentist for children and adults. Few people want to find out that something is not working properly. It’s worse to discover that the treatment might require surgery. 

4. Explain the Procedures

Some patients relax when they can visualize their treatment or upcoming procedures. Thus, consider explaining the pertinent ones to them beforehand. 

Although patients might try to take over the conversation, they respect their nurses when they speak. 

It’s not necessary for nurses to delve into the details, especially for those who do not have the proper credentials. However, you can get the ball rolling. If the patient asks in-depth questions, find the doctor who can answer them with authority. 

5. Allow Visitors

In hospital settings, medical professionals benefit from allowing visitors. Hospitals designate hours according to staff and security availability. When possible, allow visitors to remain with their loved ones.

Visitors can help keep them calm and comfortable.

6. Check Room Temperature and Air Quality

Sometimes boosting patient comfort is as easy as checking the room temperature and testing the air quality. 

Hospitals, clinics, and other medical settings already have quality standards that staff must uphold. However, it’s not easy to clean the rooms of patients who must remain in their beds for long periods.

Therefore, do easy quality checks. 

7. Continue Nursing Education

Since nurses must renew their licenses, they must take continuing education courses. Whether you attend qualified courses at conferences or through an educational institution, take courses that also discuss patient comfort strategies.

Traveling nurses can discuss techniques with local professionals. As visitors, it’s an opportunity to learn how other medical clinics, offices, and hospitals care for their patients.

Continuing education courses might help nurses remember the qualities that will help them succeed, including stamina, a caring demeanor, a sense of humor, and attention to detail. 


Nurses double as the face of medical care in many settings, including those who travel for assignments. To boost patient comfort, check their rooms, practice empathy, and explain upcoming procedures and treatment with them. 

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