
7 Tips to Improve the Working of CNC Machinery for Sale

The high requirements and production expectations from CNC machinery for sale require you to focus on the tool’s efficiency and productivity improvement. With more and more cutting tools used in the machine shop, it becomes harder for manufacturers to improve efficiency and increase the tool life. 

So, to make it easier, here are some tips we came up with Flint Machine that can help you achieve this target.

Reduce the Cost of Whole Processing with CNC Machinery for Sale

The cost of production isn’t just related to the cutting tools. Based on recent data, the cost of consumption for these tools is around 3% of the total processing cost of CNC machining parts. This means the manufacturers should focus on reducing the overall processing cost rather than just focusing on the cutting tool.

Consider Cycle Time, Tool Life, And Surface Roughness

When you are designing a new machining plan or just modifying the existing one, we suggest you take tool life, part quality, cycle time, and roughness of the surface for primary purposes. Then, make specific and quantifiable indicators to inspect later. 

At the same time, when you are designing a processing plan and setting an expected target, contact a cutter seller to get a faster and better return.

Understand the Work Principle of Cutters – An Important Machine Tool

If you know how the cutting force works, you can select the direction of the tool more appropriately. It will help to improve the clamping stiffness of the parts. Also, you can convert the radial force into an axial force direction to reduce the cutting depth.

Identify and Address the Issues

When problems are occurring in the CNC machining process, you must analyze and study them carefully right away. More so, you need to find if there is an issue in the processing or cutting tool use. In case of any problems, follow the tool failure model to figure out the root cause. 

For instance, examine the chips throughout the cutting process. It will help to determine whether it’s the fixture or cutter that’s creating the issue. Next, check the damage in the tool, cutting parameters, tool geometry, chip removal, and coolant. If the problem is in the tool, replace and install a new one.

Select A Machine Plan Carefully

The key to improving production efficiency is to choose the correct processing method. For instance, for a single piece or short-cycle manufacturing of large hole parts, prefer using integral-spiral milling cutters. Or, you can also use plunge milling, which increases the production efficiency four times compared to ordinary mills.

Learn About Cutting Temperature

Study in detail how it is produced, especially the generating area. The metal cutting produces high temperature by friction, which can be dangerous for CNC industrial machine tools. When cutting steel parts, you have to increase the temperature to form them into ideal chips. However, make sure to avoid the problems like tool overheating, part hardening, and decarburization.

Use A Tool Based on The Machining Material 

If you have a machine shop that works with various materials, use the type of tool appropriate for machining. When you change the material, make sure you change the tool as well with optimized geometry. 

Following all these tips for the entire manufacturing process with CNC machinery for sale will improve production efficiency and help gain good economic benefits. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I improve my CNC efficiency?

There are various ways to improve the efficiency of CNC machines, including:

  • Reduce the processing cost
  • Consider cycle time and tool life while designing a machining plan
  • Understand the principle of cutters
  • Address all the issues as soon as you identify them
  • Use the right tool based on the machining material
  • Use the tool geometry and learn about cutting temperature


  • How can I improve my cutting tool life?

It is simple to extend the cutting tool life if you follow these tips:

  • Control the heat
  • Lubricate sticky material
  • Prepare the edge
  • Use the correct feeds and speeds
  • Design tools properly


  • Which parameters will increase the tool life?

The feed rate has the most effect on increasing the tool life, which is then followed by the speed of the spindle and the depth of the cut.

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