
Power supply and What kind of power supply do I need?

All the high-tech peripherals and the latest computer software you have installed are useless if your computer’s power supply does not provide enough power.

Your computer needs enough power to function properly. A power switch supplies power to your computer after the alternating current (AC) from the wall outlet is converted to direct current (DC). The power switch is commonly referred to as a “switch-mode power supply. It is a metal box located in the corner of the computer case. In most cases, the power supplies are visible on the back of the computer, where there is a power cable outlet, a fan, and an on/off switch.

Feature of the power supplies

Because different computer components have different requirements, a power supply typically provides three voltages: 3.3 volts, 5 volts, and 12 volts. The digital circuits in most computers use the first two voltage rails, while the 12-volt rails are used for hard drives and fans. The main feature of the power supplies is a power meter, which allows estimating the power consumption. In the early 1990s, typical power supplies consumed about 150 watts. But as computer technology advanced, the need for more powerful power supplies became apparent. So now you can buy a power supply with 450 watts or more.

The advent of higher wattage power supplies led many people to believe that these systems were better for their computers. Apparently, they mistakenly believed that installing more powerful power supplies would protect their computers from underpowered systems while consuming only the amount of power they needed. However, this idea is not at all beneficial, as larger power supplies can generate more heat. Since power supplies are rated in watts, more heat means more power consumption. So more power consumption also means higher electricity costs. Visit also: best APC smart UPS price in Pakistan

What kind of power supply do I need?

In today’s world, the quality of a PC is often judged solely by the speed of the processor, the amount of RAM, the size of the hard drive, and – for gamers – the quality of the graphics card. Sometimes it’s the computer’s screen that gets our attention, especially if it has an LCD display. However, we rarely think about a computer’s power supply. And we rarely upgrade it, even if we have upgraded all the other components of the computer.

But if the power supply is damaged or stops working, we have to think about it, otherwise, the computer will remain inactive. The only solution is to replace the power supplies.

Many power supplies are available in computer stores, so it should not be difficult to find one. Replacing the power supply with a new one should not be difficult either. The hard part is choosing the right power supply for your computer. There are different types of power supplies, and each has different specifications. For your computer to work properly, it must be powered by the right power supply.

When buying a new power supply for your computer, there are two main things to consider: the power requirements and the form factor of the power supplies.

Power Requirements

Modern power supplies range from 200 to 500 watts. Before you buy new power supplies, you need to know how much power each component of your computer requires. These power requirements are usually. Listed on the labels of the components themselves. Adding up these numbers will give you an accurate estimate of how much power your new power supply should have.

As a general rule, never buy a power supply that is rated lower than your power rating. Likewise, don’t buy a power supply that is too powerful, because most of that power will simply be wasted.

Form Factor

The standard form factor for most PC power supplies today is the ATX form factor. However, not all power supplies use this standard. If you have an older PC, it should use an AT-type power supplies. There are also less common form factors today, such as TFX and BTX. Before you buy a new power supply, you should first determine which form factor is right for your PC, or you won’t be able to use it.

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